Monday, August 29, 2011


In my Internet tenure I have learned some things... good things, bad things, things I'd felt better if I never learned.

Then things I wonder how I lived without learning.

And one of that latter is...Paisura.

Char is scoping that choice  π/.
Paisura, it's cleavage separated by a strap. Strap can be from a backpack, purse, bag, guitar, whatever. It's one of those slightly uncommon, everyday fetishes that that can break the monotony of this tired existence.

Obviously the word is of Japanese decent:

  • パイ[pai] stems from おっぱい[oppai] or breasts
  • スラ[sura ]means slash[/]
And π/ shortens that further.

I recently introduced a friend of mine to the brand-new world. Just another thing to look out for in your day-to-day toils. Long story short; he know hates me for opening his eyes. He stalks his school like a lion on the savanna trying to scope some sweet paislash. He is going about it in the wrong way completely. You should let the sights find you, not the other way around.

In his haste he found him some paisura, but it was on a friend dear to him. He felt odd feels he never thought he would feel for her, nor wanted to feel. Now our friendship is strained. 

I'm confident we will grow from this.

Later days, mon amis

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